WhatsApp: how to install an old version on Android

Tutorial to install a previous version of WhatsApp on Android with APK

WhatsApp is one of the messaging apps most popular snapshot in the world with millions of active users at the same moment; For this reason, those responsible are especially concerned about having the app updated to the latest, with new functionalities and security improvements, among other periodic news. However, there are many users who prefer to use older versions for one reason or another, from the appearance of an older version to wanting a more appropriate update to a specific version of Android. Therefore, below we are going to show how to install an old version of WhatsApp on an Android mobile.

How to install an old version of WhatsApp on Android

Thanks to the more open nature of the Android operating system (compared to the more closed and strict iOS), it is possible to install applications that are not official from Google Play, an essential step if we want to install a previous version of WhatsApp on our mobile; And if we go to the WhatsApp official page On Google Play, we can only download the latest version of Android available. Luckily, we can access previous versions through another method.

To do this, we will have to get the APK file of the previous version of WhatsApp that we want to install on our Android mobile. Of course, we must be very careful when downloading APK files from the internet, since it is a source widely used by malicious users to access our private data through fraudulent file downloads and installations.

For this reason, we recommend using the APK Mirror website, one of the most prestigious sites dedicated exclusively to APK files that are totally safe and free of viruses and others. potentially dangerous programs. Once we have accessed the WhatsApp section we can view all the previous versions of the app ordered from newest to oldest, with their publication date; When we find the version that interests us, we just have to click on the date down to start downloading the file on our mobile.

WhatsApp: how to install an old version on Android

Before continuing with the installation process of an old version of WhatsApp, we recommend make a backup from our chats and multimedia files; Once completed, we just have to uninstall the current version of WhatsApp from our mobile phone, if we have the app installed.

Before installing the APK file with the old version of WhatsApp we must authorize the installation of third-party apps in the Android operating system of our mobile; To do this, we just have to go to Settings – Apps and notifications – Special app access – Install unknown apps and select the application we want to authorize. Once inside the application (in this case, Chrome), we just have to activate the switch Authorize downloads from this source. In previous versions of Android the path will be different, through Settings – Unknown sources – Unknown apps and authorize access.

WhatsApp: how to install an old version on Android

Finally, we just have to go to the folder downloads of the mobile and Click on the icon of the downloaded APK file; The installation of the corresponding version of WhatsApp will automatically begin through said file. Once installed, it will only be necessary login to WhatsApp with our number and restore the backup if we had it.

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