WhatsApp: How to mute a user from a group chat

Follow our tutorial to learn how to mute people in a WhatsApp group

Thanks to the latest news from WhatsApp and the constant updates, now we can mute users in chat groups of the popular messaging app, giving group administrators even more control over participants. Thus, it is now possible to silence people in a group of WhatsApp, denying said users the possibility of continuing to participate in conversations without having to kick anyone out. Of course, for this we must be group administrators and make two changes; Also, this new method to mute users in a group It will not work with the person who created the group, since the creator of a group enjoys special permissions and in WhatsApp It is not possible to remove administrator permissions.

Mute a WhatsApp group or contact

How to mute someone in a WhatsApp group

Below, we offer you a complete guide to learn how to mute users in a group WhatsApp; follow the following steps if someone is very annoying and you don't want to continue reading his messages without having to kick him out of the group.

1 Remove administrator permission

After the new update that allows us to mute users, people who are part of an old group may now all be administrators of the group, with administrator permissions. If so, the first thing we should do is remove administrator permissions from the person we want to silence. To do this, we just have to Tap on the name of the chat group and go to the options.

How to mute someone in a WhatsApp group

Once in the options, we must scroll through the menu until we reach the list of participants; It will be in this menu where we can check if the person we want to silence is an administrator of the group or not. If it is not, go directly to the point 2 of the tutorial; if you really have administrator permissions, keep the pressure on his name.

How to mute someone in a WhatsApp group

This will open a new pop-up window with some more options, including Dismiss as administrator. If we choose this option, we will remove the administrator permissions from said user; Yes, the user in question will receive the message “You are no longer an administrator”, although he will not be able to do anything to recover his previous condition.

How to mute someone in a WhatsApp group

2 Sending messages only for administrators

Once we have completed the previous steps, now is when we must resort to one of WhatsApp's new features that will allow us to silence users in a group. So we just have to return to the group configuration section through the group name, with a simple touch.

Now in the group configuration we will find a new entry that was not in previous versions of WhatsApp. Is about Send messages, an option that will allow us to choose who can send messages to this group, among All participants and Administrators only.

How to mute someone in a WhatsApp group

Thus, the default configuration will be marked on All participants, so if we want to silence someone, we must mark Administrators only, so all users who are not administrators will not be able to participate in the chat, since we will have previously removed their administrator permissions, in the point 1 of this tutorial.

How to mute someone in a WhatsApp group

Users affected by this new tool WhatsApp They will not be able to participate in chats, since they will no longer have administrator permissions to do so. How will they know? When they try to send a message, the message will appear Only administrators can send messages, so they will know from the first moment that something is not going well and that they have been vetoed by someone.

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