WhatsApp super dark mode: what it is and how to activate it to save battery

Learn how to darken your WhatsApp even more through the app's settings

Let's see how to activate WhatsApp super dark mode, the popular instant messaging application for iOS and Android mobiles. And after the arrival of WhatsApp dark mode in 2020 after a period of testing, the option of super dark mode, a display mode that further darkens the screen for unfavorable lighting environments, protects eyesight of the user and saves even more battery. Learn how to darken your WhatsApp even more with the super dark mode and take care of your mobile battery.


How to activate WhatsApp super dark mode

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What is WhatsApp super dark mode

WhatsApp dark mode and the new one super dark mode It allows you to turn off thousands of pixels on the screen, or reduce its brightness, which benefits the battery and increases its autonomy. In addition, it also has a positive effect on the user's visual health, since the eyes do not receive as much blue light of the mobile screen. Excess exposure to blue light from screens causes adverse health effects, making it more difficult to fall asleep, among other problems. Thanks to dark mode, all these setbacks are considerably reduced.

Now, those who need a little more darkness in their instant messaging app can enjoy a super dark mode that Facebook has been implemented via update to the application WhatsApp. Thanks to this, it is possible adjust darkness level and take it further if necessary, further darkening all screen elements by reducing brightness to a minimum.

WhatsApp super dark mode: what it is and how to activate it to save battery

Thanks to the super dark mode it is possible manually calibrate the brightness level of the dark mode itself, increasing or reducing it to the user's liking. The less brightness or luminosity, more rest for the eyes and more battery life of the mobile.

How to activate WhatsApp super dark mode

Follow the steps below to activate WhatsApp super dark mode:

  1. Access the WhatsApp app on your mobile and make sure it is updated to the latest version, both on iOS and Android.
  2. Now click on Settings through the three dots icon located in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Look for the section Chats.
  4. Once inside click on Wallpapers.
  5. For the new super dark mode bar to appear you have to have activated dark mode; If you have light mode activated, the bar will not appear. Likewise, make sure that You do not have dark mode active on your mobile.
  6. When you see the super dark mode bar, slide your finger over it to adjust the desired level of darkness for your mobile.

WhatsApp super dark mode: what it is and how to activate it to save battery

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