WhatsApp: The 5 best tricks to protect your privacy

Follow our tutorial to protect the privacy of your WhatsApp account as much as possible

There are many tricks that it offers us WhatsApp for optimize its use and even to manage various aspects of the most popular messaging service in front of our contacts or other users. Although we can also make certain adjustments to improve security and privacy from our favorite mobile app iOS and Android. Therefore, we offer you a complete tutorial with up to 5 essential tricks to optimize the security of the service, such as the possibility of another user accessing your account and reading your private conversations or even protecting your mobile device from external threats, such as viruses or online traps that can reach you through viral messages without you realizing it. Following, the 5 best tricks to protect the privacy of your WhatsApp account.

How to improve the privacy and security of your WhatsApp

 How to improve the privacy and security of your WhatsApp

Block your WhatsApp account

By default, the native WhatsApp application does not offer any internal blocking system, although on mobile devices based on Android We have several options at our disposal through third-party applications with which to add a additional lock to our favorite instant messaging app. One of these most recommended and safe blocking apps is AppLock, an application that will ensure the privacy of our WhatsApp account in the event that someone steals our phone or we lose it. Thus, said app will add a extra security step to prevent other people from accessing our WhatsApp account.

 How to improve the privacy and security of your WhatsApp

Two-step verification system

WhatsApp added a new security system some time ago with the two-step verification system, a tool that verifies our mobile number on WhatsApp. And the first time we use the messaging app, and with the system activated, we will receive an SMS after entering our mobile number. This code adds an extra layer of security that will prevent third parties from accessing our WhatsApp to spy on our chats.

 How to improve the privacy and security of your WhatsApp

Through this security system adds a 6 digit code that only the owner will know, beyond the code via SMS. On the other hand, if we forget or lose the extra code, we can request it to be sent through a personal email; This email can even notify us if someone is trying to link our WhatsApp to another device. To activate the two-step verification system we just have to go to Settings – Account – Two-Step Verification through WhatsApp options.

Beware of traps and viral messages

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging applications in the world and therefore one of the main targets of countless hackers. And it is very normal that we receive one of those viral messages through our contacts that inform us that we have won a giveaway, that we can unlock special WhatsApp functions, that WhatsApp will soon be paid, or totally misleading promotions, among many other scams.

 How to improve the privacy and security of your WhatsApp

The objective of these messages is that Click on a link that accompanies the text to access the supposed prizes or advantages, although the real reason for these false links is the private data theft. The only thing we can do in these cases is use common sense and not fall into this type of online scam; and it is that We should never click on links from unknown sources If we do not want to get an unfortunate surprise through this type of scam.

Change the download path for media files

WhatsApp groups usually share multitude of multimedia files, such as images, videos or voice notes humorous or sexual tone, so it is likely that your Gallery of media files or downloads WhatsApp shows numerous audiovisual examples of this type. And if our cell phone falls into the hands of others, even under our supervision, it is possible that We don't want anyone to see these types of files.

Therefore, it is recommended change the download path of media files so they don't go directly to the section Gallery, visible to everyone. To do this, you just have to go to Settings – Data and storage and disable the option Show media files in gallery. Thus, the files will be stored in another folder outside of Gallery along with other personal photographs and videos. It's better to prevent than to cure!

Suspend WhatsApp account

The last and most drastic option is suspend our WhatsApp account if we believe that our personal data may be in danger at the hands of third parties, either due to theft or loss of the terminal. So, the first thing we should do is put ourselves contact our operator so they block our SIM card. Now we have two options: or we get another sim card with our number to activate our WhatsApp account on another mobile terminal or we send an email to WhatsApp helpdesk with the matter “Lost/Stolen: Please deactivate my Account" next to our mobile number with the international format. If our account is deactivated, we must keep the following information in mind:

  • The account is not completely deleted.
  • Our contacts can still see our profile.
  • Our contacts can send us messages up to 30 days after suspension.
  • If we reactivate the account before it is permanently deleted, we will receive the pending messages on our new terminal and we will still remain in the chat groups.
  • If we do not activate the account within the next 30 days, our account will be permanently deleted.

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