Build your gaming PC, a cheap and expensive option

Build your own PC and choose between the TOP but expensive option and the cheapest but good option (updated 2019)

Have a Gaming PC It is currently available to everyone, whether you only have 400 or want to spend more than 1000. It all depends on your budget, but whatever it is, you will have the best PC to play all the games in the best quality. Are you ready to join the PC Master race


I built the PERFECT 2019 mid-range GAMING PC

Cheap option (400 euros)

If you don't have a lot of budget, this is your best option, with this PC you can run current games triple AAA to a resolution of 1080. It is a good way to get started in the world of Gaming PC and gradually update your components to get the most powerful computer. What do you have?

With this PC you will get higher quality performance than that of a console, and maintenance of high quality components. It is built with the best brands and the most powerful chip to give a unique experience to players. 

It won't be the best Gaming PC, but you can play all the games you want until you can change the components.

The most expensive option (1500)

If you want to have the best PC currently, you can go for the most expensive option, one of the best PCs that will let you play your favorite video games in up to 4K, stream at 2K and enjoy every minute detail. 

With these components you can create a PC that will not need to be renewed for many years, with totally superior quality.