Let's see how to get wood in Pokémon Legends Arceus, the popular open-world Pokémon video game from nintendo switch. And in Pokémon Arceus it is necessary to collect different resources and materials to advance in the main story as secondary missions. And far from having the useful Object Finder with which to obtain different resources by pressing just one button, in this case we must explore a lot to obtain different materials, among them, one that is very difficult to obtain: timber. Therefore, below we offer you all the keys to find wood easily in Legends Pokémon Arceus.
Pokémon Legends Arceus: how to get wood
Wood is one of the most precious goods and one of the Hardest to find resources in Pokémon Legends Arceus, since there are few places to Hisui in which we can obtain it. And it will not be as easy to collect as herbs or apricots to make Pokeballs, although we can follow a series of strategies to easily increase our wood reserves in the game.
And despite its scarcity, wood actually It is not a very useful material in the game. So much so, that it will only be necessary to complete the mission Find the remaining Cogita plates. It will also be necessary to complete a commissioned by Anvin in Villa Jubilee, since we will have to deliver a Pokeshi Doll that we can sell for 1,000 pokédollars. If you still need to find wood to complete these missions, below we detail the locations where you can obtain it in good quantities.

Places to get wood in Pokémon Arceus
Wood is not an easy resource to find, although we can tell you the places where it is easily found on a regular basis throughout Hisui. Thus, the place where you can find the most wood in the Obsidian Meadow, in the Deer Hill, a place located near a camp and which you can access relatively early. Another location is in the Crimson Pantanal of Brava Arena, place to get some wood.
Another place to regularly find wood is in the Cobalt Coast Spring Route, Meanwhile in Heavenward Lookoutg of the Coronet Highlands He can also provide us with some wood. Lastly, in Arena's Approach of the area of Alabaster Icelands You can also find wood.

Of course, we must be clear about the appearance cycle of wood in Pokémon Legends Arceus, since it will not reappear until let's rest in a camp; Therefore, it will be necessary to travel to Jubilee City, rest and return to each wood extraction area if we want to increase our reserves quickly.
Now you know the places where find wood easily in Pokémon Legends Arceus and the method to easily farm this resource if you need to complete the side quests described above.