Cheats Saints Row: The Third for PS3, PC, Xbox 360

Discover all the codes, secrets, cheats, unlockables for Saints Row: The Third

Accompany the Saints through the city of Steelport and wreak havoc on Saints Row: The Third.


We leave you a video to locate the 80 collectibles spread throughout the city, they are divided into 4 groups, 20 Sex Dolls, 20 Pallets of Money, 20 Packages of Drugs and 20 Photo Opportunities, when we get the 25% from them we will receive the Achievement/Trophy Get the merchandise and when we obtain everything they will give us the Achievement/Trophy The soul of the party. 

Drug Packages

All 20 Drug Package Collectible Locations - Saints Row the Third Walkthrough Guide


Photo Opportunities

All 20 Photo Op Opportunity Collectible Locations - Saints Row the Third Walkthrough Guide


Pallets of Money

All 20 Money Pallet Collectible Locations - Saints Row the Third Walkthrough Guide


Sex Dolls

All 20 Sex Doll Collectible Locations - Saints Row the Third Walkthrough Guide


Cars and how to tune them



To activate the codes you must enter the “cheat menu” of the game and introduce them. If the codes are used, Saints Row: The Third achievements and auto-save will automatically be disabled.

  • giveflamethrower: A Flamethrower appears.
  • givesniper: A Mcmanus 2015 appears.
  • givevtol: A Vtol fighter appears.
  • givevulture: A Vulture helicopter appears.
  • givevortex: A Vortex car appears.
  • giveairstrike: An SA-3 Air Strike appears.
  • givesword: A Nocturne sword appears.
  • giveultimax: The AS3 Ultimax pistol appears.
  • givebaseball: A baseball bat appears.
  • givecyber: The Cyber Buster appears.
  • givedrone: A Reaper Drone UAV appears.
  • givear55: An AR-55 appears.
  • givehammer: An S3X Hammer appears.
  • givekrukov: The K-8 Krukov weapon appears.
  • givecybersmg: A Cyber Blaster appears.
  • giveblossom: A D4TH Blossom gun appears.
  • givemolotov: A Molotov cocktail appears.
  • givegrenade: A grenade appears.
  • givesatchel: Explosives appear.
  • givetek: The TEK Z-10 appears.
  • giveambulance: An ambulance appears.
  • giveelectric: An electric grenade appears.
  • givelauncher: The GL-G20 grenade launcher appears.
  • giveminigun: A Mini-Gun appears.
  • givechainsaw: A chainsaw appears.
  • givekobra: The KA-1 Kobra weapon appears.
  • givenwoodpecker: A Woodpecker appears.
  • givespectre: Specter vehicle appears.
  • givesshark: A Shark jet ski appears.
  • giveeagle: An Eagle helicopter appears.
  • givetoad: A Toad four-wheeler appears.
  • givetitan: A Titan van appears.
  • givenforcer: An armored Nforcer appears.
  • givestatusquo: A Status Quo car appears.
  • givecondor: A Condor helicopter appears.
  • givesheperd: Weapon 45 Sheperd appears.
  • givesandstorm: A Sandstorm motorcycle appears.
  • givemunicipal: A Municipal truck appears.
  • giveshield: A riot shield appears.
  • givepeacemaker: A Peacemaker car appears.
  • givereaper: A Reaper car appears.
  • giveattrazione: An Attrazione sports car appears.
  • givesonic: A Sonic Boom gun appears.
  • givesquasar: A Quasar car appears.
  • givetaxi: A Taxi appears.
  • givemiami: A Miami boat appears.
  • giveanchor: An Anchor van appears.
  • givephoenix: A Phoenix sports car appears.
  • givebootlegger: A sporty Bootlegger appears.
  • givechallenger: A Challenger tank appears.
  • givecommander: A Commander boat appears.
  • givekenshin: A Kenshin motorcycle appears.
  • giveknoxville: A Knoxville vehicle appears.
  • giveestrada: An Estrada motorcycle appears.
  • givegatmobile: A Gat Mobile van appears.
  • givekanada: A Kanada sports car appears.
  • givewidowmaker: A Widowmaker appears.
  • givestungun: A stun gun appears.
  • clearskies: Sunny weather.
  • fryhole: The bodies of the dead float in the air.
  • runfast: Infinite sprint.
  • lightrain: It rains a little.
  • heavyrain: It rains a lot.
  • notrated: The dead explode bloodily.
  • dui: The pedestrians are drunk. 
  • cheese: You get $100,000.
  • isquishyou: The vehicle crushes other vehicles.
  • goldengun: Kills with one shot.
  • brains: Pedestrians will turn into zombies.
  • repaircar: Repairs the vehicle completely.
  • mascot: Pedestrians will become pets.
  • overcast: overcast weather.

Guide for Saints Row: The Third by clicking here.