How to remove time from the Windows 10 taskbar

Do you want to clear time information from the Windows 10 taskbar? We teach you how to get rid of the weather forecast

Let's see how to remove time from taskbar Windows 10. And there are many users who wonder what that widget is that suddenly appears in the bottom bar of their PC with meteorological information in real time. And while this information can be very useful, most users would prefer to leave that area free to make more use of the bar space. windows 10 tasks. Therefore, below we show you how to remove weather information from taskbar Windows 10.

How to REMOVE the WEATHER and News icon from the Windows 10 Task Bar

Windows 10: How to remove time from the taskbar

And you may be wondering what that small window dedicated to time is that has suddenly appeared on the screen. Windows 10 taskbar. Do not be alarmed; It is not a virus or anything strange. It is actually a new characteristic implemented by Microsoft under the name News and interests. Let's see what it is and how to remove it of Windows 10 if you wish.

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What is the News and Interests widget

The widget known as News and interests allows Windows 10 users to access the most varied information with just one click, from the latest news to traffic or the stock market, as well as the weather information from your area, of course.

Of course, many users have already expressed their dissatisfaction with this functionality, such as the workspace invasion with unsolicited information (if you hover the mouse over it, a considerable window is displayed) or performance that is far from optimized.

Therefore, many regular users Windows 10 wonder how to remove time window and, with it, the new widget implemented through the latest major Windows 10 update. Read on to find out how to get rid of it; It's actually very simple and just a few clicks will be enough to achieve it.

How to remove time from Windows 10

If after informing you about what exactly the widget is News and interests Windows 10 and you still want to remove it from Windows 10 taskbar, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the Windows 10 desktop.
  2. Beam right click on the taskbar of Windows 10; It doesn't matter in what area of the bar.
  3. Move the mouse to the option News and interests; A new pop-up menu will appear.
  4. In this menu select the option Disconnect.

How to remove time from the Windows 10 taskbar

And that's it. With these simple steps you will have removed the widget that showed the weather (and many other news through its own pop-up window) from the Windows 10 taskbar. If at any time you want to show the weather again (through the News and interests widget) you will only have to follow the previous steps and, when Finally, select one of the two display options: Show icon and text either Show only the icon.

How to remove time from the Windows 10 taskbar

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