How to plant a bonsai

All gardening fans want to have a bonsai, but they are not easy to care for, we teach you everything you need to know.

If you want to get started in the noble Japanese art of grow a bonsai, you have several options, one of them is to buy it in an online store, but wouldn't it be cheaper plant it?

See your grow small tree As the seasons change, it winters, it puts out leaf buds, it flowers and produces fruits or berries, it is beautiful. Many gardeners say it is a wonderful way to connect directly with nature

Which bonsai should I choose?

Choosing the species of tree we want to plant can be a difficult task, but it is always advisable to choose the most neutral type of Bonsai when starting out, these can be the Juniper Bonsai or the Ficus retusa bonsai. Although we must take several things into account: 

  • The bonsai we choose can grow from seed or spread through a cut.
  • There are 5 styles of bonsai, formal vertical, informal vertical, inclined, cascading and semi-waterfall. Choose the type well.

The formal vertical bonsai is usually the most common, but the most striking is the cascading one.

Which pot should I choose?

Choosing a pot when it comes to this type of tree is very difficult, normally you look for one that visually combines with the tree. Traditionally the intended shape of the tree usually corresponds to a specific pot:

  • A straight sided pot for him vertical style.
  • A round pot for him casual style.

You should also take into account the shade of the leaf when choosing the color of the pot. He ceramic shade You must stick with the leaf to have the most beautiful bonsai.

That the tree is in perfect harmony with the pot will give us a beautiful result.

How should I prepare the soil?

It is essential to use a mixture that retains all the water, but also add a small rock near the root of the bonsai, this will cause the root to divide in two and become thinner, thus contributing to natural miniaturization.

There is special land Custom made to meet the unique texture and drainage needs of bonsai. Although another remedy is make your own land with bark, coconut fiber, perlite and pieces of rock. You may be interested in this article about how to groom house plants.

Some types of bonsai soil give an elegant touch.

How do I plant it?

To plant our small bonsai we must follow these small steps:

  • We verify that our pot has drainage holesIf it does not have them, we add a hole with the drill with a ceramic drill bit. 
  • To prevent soil loss, cover with a piece of screen the hole. 
  • Before planting we gently remove the tree from its container. We inspect the roots. 
  • Yes there are bundled roots between each other, we release them. We also remove all the hairy ends and the brown root with hand scissors.
  • We look for the primary root and cut it. This step will make our plant smaller. 
  • Finally we spread the air and thin the roots at the base of the trunk with the bonsai rake. Always gently touch the roots
  • Cover the bottom of the pot with soil, adds the tree with its roots spread wide.
  • Cover the roots with soil and fill the pot evenly until the surface of the earth is level.

Finally, if you want to completely complete your environment, you must add moss, rocks either companion plants for your design.

How to care for a bonsai