How to know if I have passed the theoretical driving test

Step-by-step tutorial on how to find out from the DGT if you have passed the car or motorcycle exam

Next we will explain How to know if you have passed the theoretical driving test through a tutorial with all the steps so you can find out through Internet and from the comfort of your home. And getting your car license is not exactly a simple process, since first you have to learn the theoretical part and pass the corresponding question test, and then go up to the practical exam in which an examiner from the DGT will evaluate your driving skills after a period of practice at the driving school. So much so, that there are a lot of nerves, especially among the youngest, so we are going to make things a little easier for you by showing you how to check the result of your theoretical exam via Internet.

How to Check the Results of the DGT Exam (Theoretical and Practical) From Your Mobile

How to know if you have passed the driver's license theory

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When you take the theoretical test of the driving license, the wait until you know the result can be exasperating; Years ago we had to wait for the driving school to call or stop by periodically to find out if the test results had arrived. Luckily, we now have a tool as useful as the internet and official administration portals to make all kinds of queries, including driving test results.

Of course, despite the immediacy of online consultations, the results can take time to be available, from a few days (three or four in the best of cases) to a week or even two. Be patient and access to the corresponding website (which we detail below) periodically to check if the results of your driving license theoretical exam have already been uploaded.

How to know if I have passed the theoretical exam

In this sense, we recommend accessing the results page at least once a week, since the DGT only keeps the results online for 15 days; After that time, the test result will disappear from the website. Importantly, notes can be published from the 5 p.m. the day after the exam. Let's see how to check the results of the driving theory test Step by Step.

How to check the driving theory test notes

The first step is to access the official website of the DGT dedicated to exam grades. On this web page you will have to click on the option Without certificate to access the online consultation of your exam. You will now be taken to a new page where you can enter the data from your exam and click on Look for to show the result; Let's see what data you need to enter:

  • NIF/NIE | It is your DNI number to identify you personally.
  • Exam date | You will only have to enter the date on which the theoretical exam took place.
  • Permit class | Click to display a menu in which to select the type of driving license for which you are taking the exam. It is usually B for car and A for motorcycle; the rest are for larger vehicles.
  • Birthdate | It is your date of birth to identify you personally.

How to know if I have passed the theoretical exam

Once you have entered all this information, click on the button Look for; If the data entered is correct and the notes have already been published, you will be able to check your exam results. We wish you good luck!

Alternatives to the online method

Alternatively, you can also scroll to the Traffic Headquarters office of your population (or the ones closest to your home) by reserving appointment, yes, and carry out the consultation in person.

On the other hand, you can also call free phone number 060 to make inquiries related to your driving license, entrance exams and the state of the roads and traffic, and of course, ask about the results of your exam.

How many mistakes can you make on the driving theory test?

Depending on the type of driving license you are taking the exam for, you will be able to make more or fewer mistakes in the theory test. In the case of permission class B you can do up to a maximum of 3 mistakes of a total of 30 questions; If you make 4 mistakes the result will be Unfit. In the case of permission c truck, d bus or A1/A2 For motorcycles you can make 2 mistakes out of a total of 20 questions; If you make 3 mistakes the result will be Unfit.

How to know if I have passed the theoretical exam

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