Welcome to our guide to Zelda Breath of the Wild, here you will find solutions to a multitude of questions and a lot of information and maps about the latest game in the saga. Use the menu below to move through the different sections.
Index of contents:
The towers are places that we must visit quickly to be able to reveal the corresponding portion of the map, but unlike in other games, here it will only reveal the map but not all its points. The towers also They serve as a point for Fast Travel, as soon as we unlock one, we can always use it to transport ourselves. To activate them we have to go up to the top and insert the Sheikah stone into the terminal, we have to go up manually and once up we can Use the spyglass to mark important places such as shrines. Also note that since they are very tall, once we have "Paravela" we can use them to reach places quickly. Here we leave you an image of the map with all the towers.

There are two of these towers that may be difficult for us to climb, the Tower of Tabanta and the Tower of Akkala, both are covered by a viscous substance of evil, here we leave you some videos on how to upload without needing to have Revali's Fury.

The sanctuaries are temples and in each one we will face a test of ingenuity to obtain a Symbol of Worth. In total we have 120 distributed throughout the game, and when we have completed 4 of them we can go pray to the statues like the one in the temple of Time at the beginning that we will find in the towns to exchange 4 Symbols of Valía for an increase in Health (1 Heart) or an increase in the energy bar. When we finish a Sanctuary we will unlock it as a fast travel.
Check the map with all the sanctuaries by area by clicking here.

Once we leave the first area of the game and have We have to go to Kakariko to talk to Impa and we can tame horses.. To do this we have to approach one from behind in stealth and climb on top of it. We will see that it does not always go where we want when we give it an order and it does it well. We can pet them to strengthen the bond and they will pay more and more attention to us. In the areas called Postas (inns/stables that we find on the map) we can register the horsesWhen you register our horses, they will appear at any post so you can call them and use them without any problem. We can register a total of 5 horses.
Cooking – Ingredients

To cook we have to approach a saucepan and select the ingredients with a maximum of 5 and throw them inside, we find the pots on the map, in villages and camps, we cannot take one with us, so whenever we see one, take advantage of it to cook everything you need.
Sometimes we will find the Pans unlit or without firewood, we can place firewood and To light the fire, you have to put flint next to the wood and hit it with a metal weapon to light it.
When cooking we double the amount of health that each ingredient recovers and something important is to know that there are many neutral cooking ingredients (have no effects) and others that are divided into several categories depending on their effects and if we cook ingredients from the same category we will achieve great results.
Dishes can only have one effect, If we cook together ingredients that provide different effects, these will cancel each other out, pSo it is very important to know the neutral ingredients and those that provide effects, to use neutral ones with one that provides an effect and cook ingredients with the same effect to enhance it. Below we leave you a table with each type of ingredient to help you on your adventure.
Neutral Ingredients
- Coconut – Gerudo Desert, Eastern Necluda.
- Apple – Dawn Plateau, Hyrule Plain.
- Raspberry – Strand Mountain Range, Gerudo Mountain Range.
- Hyrule mushroom – Hyrule Hills, Hyrule Plain.
- Hyrule Grass – Hyrule Hills, Western Necluda.
- Game Meat, XL and XXL – We get it from mammals.
- Poultry Meat, Xl and XXL – We get it from birds.
- Hyrule Rice – Obtained by cutting tall grasses on the Hyrule Plain.
- Acorn – We can get it from squirrels and lying on the ground near trees.
- Tree Fruit – We get it in Small birds and near trees.
- Bird Egg – We achieved it with the Cuckoos.
Vivacious Ingredients
These types of ingredients add to the dishes the full health recovery effect We have the hearts we have and they grant extra yellow hearts so it is very important to know them and perhaps keep them for later and get the most out of them.
- Vivacious Durian – Farone Meadow.
- Lively Truffle – Great Hyrule Forest.
- Lively Radish – Akkala mountain range.
- Lively Salmon – Borders of Tabanta.
- Lively Snail – Necluda Sea.
- Lively Lizard – Gerudo Desert.
Invigorating Ingredients
These ingredients provide a plate resistance effect, they fill the resistance meter, so it can be very useful to cook them to be able to climb for longer.
- Vigorous Mushroom – Hyrule Plain.
- Vigor Honey – We found it in the hives.
- Vigorous Sea Bass – Western Necluda.
- Vigorous Crab – Valley of Eldin.
- Vigorous Cricket – Hyrule Plain.
- Vigorous Beetle – Akkala Mountains.
Toning Ingredients
By cooking them we obtain the extra resistance effect, our stamina bar gets bigger for a while.
- Briosa Mushroom – Hyrule Hills and Hyrule Plains.
- Breezy Carrot – Kakariko Village.
- Breezy Frog – Lanaryu Spring and Hyrule Hills.
Protective Ingredients
These provide us with a increase in defense, we can combine up to 3 ingredients of this type to increase the effects.
- Robust Mushroom – Lanaryu Spring, Western Necluda.
- Robust Pumpkin – Hyrule Plain.
- Robust Bulb – Akkala Mountains, Hyrule Hills.
- Robust tent – Lanaryu Spring.
- Robust Golden – Lanaryu Spring.
- Robust Crab – Necluda Sea.
- Robust Beetle – Hyrule Grassland, Farone Grassland.
Strong Ingredients
These ingredients give us an effect that increases our attack, we can combine up to 3 ingredients of this type to increase the effects.
- Strong Plantains – Farone
- Strong Mushroom – Necluda.
- Strong Bull – Farone Meadow.
- Strong Carp – Akkala Mountains.
- Strong Gold – Lanaryu Sea.
- Strong Crab – Necluda Sea.
- Stout Beetle – Eastern and Western Necluda.
Kolog Seeds
On our way to Kakariko we will meet a nice character, Obab the Kolog, this tells us about some maracas that you have lost, when we deliver them to you He will tell us about Kolog seeds of the maracas. In total there are 900 of these seeds spread throughout the map., when we deliver them to Obab, We can expand our travel bag, to be able to carry more items in the inventory. The 900 seeds are included in 12 different puzzles that we must identify and know how to collect these seeds that are so valuable to us. Furthermore, once we give Obab the first seeds, he will change his position and will no longer be there. on the road that led to Kakariko, then you will go to the Posta del Bosque or Posta del Lago and finally it will move to the Kolog Forest.

Here we leave you the 12 different puzzles where we will find Kolog seeds.
- Rocks pattern: when you see a pattern of rocks in nature and you see that a rock is missing to finish the figure, look for the stone around and place it to complete the figure.
- Cubes pattern: metal cubes arranged symmetrically, but with some anomaly, similar to rock patterns, for these puzzles we need the magnet.
- Circles: in the water we will see circles formed by rocks or water lilies, look around and throw a rock in or sometimes we have to throw it ourselves to get through the hoop.
- natural hiding place: there are many Kologs hidden in natural elements, such as under rocks, clay boats, in blocks of ice or under layers of leaves and sets of rocks. They are the most complex to identify.
- Leaves with fairy dust: if you see a trail of leaves with a fairy dust effect examine it to find a Kolog.
- Career : Races in which we have to reach a hoop before time runs out.
- Equestrian Hurdles: fences for jump horse and complete the circuit.
- food offerings: lined stone statues They have a tray in front. If you place the correct type of food on the empty tray/s, a Kolog will appear.
- flower trail: traces of flowers that you have to continue for a while for a Kolog to appear. They start with a yellow flower.
- archery- If you see a balloon floating with a target or some fruits with a strange glow, shoot them to find a Kolog.
- Rocks: Large rocks that we must drag to a hole or arrange them in a pattern.
- Tree patterns: Sometimes we see sets of trees and one has different fruits or a different number of fruits, shoot them so that they all look the same.
Great Fairy Fonts
In Zelda Breath of the Wild we can improve clothing and armor pieces up to 4 levels, and the way to do it is by finding the Fountains of the Great Fairy.
Apart from finding them To unlock them we must pay an amount of rupees, it doesn't matter in which order we start, as we discover them the price will increase more:
- First Source – 100 Rupees – Level 1.
- Second Source – 500 Rupees – Level 2.
- Third Source – 10.00 Rupees – Level 3.
- Fourth Source – 10,000 Rupees – Level 4.
To the improving the pieces we increase their defensive value, but for each improvement we will be asked for a series of materials. When we level up a set of clothing/armor which includes a head piece, torso piece and leg piece, we will get a bonus so it is very beneficial to find the fairy fountains, we can unlock the first 3 quickly, but the fourth one that costs 10,000 rupees will take us some time.
Here we leave you a map with the location of the 4 fairy fountainsIt is also good to know that near the fountains of the Great Fairy we will find small fairies that we can capture by approaching them stealthily and that will recover all our hearts when we are healthy, they will always be useful.

- 1 – North of the Kakariko village, it is the one we will first find when we go to talk to Impa.
- 2 – South of the village Arkadia, on the shore of Lake Akkala.
- 3 – South of the Tower of the Tabanta region.
- 4 – Southwest of Gerudo Citadel, under the Gerudo fossil.
Memories in Images
After talk to Impa in Kakariko village, will send us to Hatelia observatory, there we will add a new function to our Sheikah stone, that of taking photos. After returning to talk to Impa after upgrading the stone, will be added to our inventory 12 photos representing locations from the game, we have to locate them all to recover the memories. After collecting the 12 Impa will give us the location of the last memory, memory 13, collecting them all gives us access to a secret scene in the finale.
The 3 Dragons
As we toured the game map, we have surely seen a Dragon in the skies, in total there are 3 Dragons, each of them is associated with a Heroic Trial that we must complete to unlock the Sanctuary for each trial. In all 3 we have to get a scale from each dragon and throw it into the fountain, and after passing these tests we can see the dragons again and get other parts of their body to improve armor, so it is necessary to know their locations. Although we can carry out the task without talking to the NPC that activates it, if we do not talk to these characters we will not see it in our list of Heroic Tests. We leave you a video of each Dragon showing the NPCs that activate their Heroic Test and how overcome them.
Nayen Dragon – Heroic Test: The treasure of the fountain.
Faren Dragon – Heroic Test: Maw face to face.
Elden Dragon – Heroic Test: The source of power.
Farming Dragons
As we have seen above, after completing the heroic tests, we can get other Dragon parts, Scales, Claws, Fangs and Horns, depending on the area in which we shoot them.
These Dragon parts can be used to upgrade some armor pieces, for cook them and achieve good durability results in the recipes or we can sell them for Rupees or Mons (not advisable). Here we leave you a video with an analysis of the location of all the Dragons, all their properties to improve armor and cooking and finally a route to farm the 3 Dragons in 10 minutes.
Kolog Forest – Location
The Kolog Forest is a location that we must locate quickly, since it is the where Obab goes after upgrading his saddlebags 5 times and we will always find him here, Also in the Kolog Forest is the Master Sword, the only weapon in the game that does not break, although we must wait a few minutes for it to regenerate after exhausting its resistance. We leave you a video to guide you through the route of the Lost Forest and thus access the Kolog Forest.
Desert Boots and Snow Boots
Thanks to these boots we will be able to move better through the sandy areas of the Canyon and Gerudo, the entire map also has areas with snowy peaks, so getting both is important.
The good thing is that We got both of them by doing a double secondary mission with a man we located on the outskirts of the Gerudo Citadel, but he will only talk to us if we are dressed as a woman. By doing so we activate the first mission "The Eighth Heroine" which consists of locating a statue in the Gerudo Mountain Range, when we complete it we will receive the desert boots, talking to him again we will activate the second mission "The Forgotten Sword" which consists of finding the sword from the previous statue, upon completing it we will receive the snow boots. We leave you a video where everything is explained perfectly.