How to change the phone number in Social Security

Do you want to modify your personal Social Security data? We tell you how to change your number online and by phone: quick and easy

Let's see how to change the phone number on the Social Security, since it is very important to keep personal data correctly updated. Thanks to our tutorial you will learn how to do it online and by phone, so that you have all the options at your disposal and can complete the management in the fastest and most comfortable way. Do not miss how to modify and update the phone number in the Social Security.

🖊 How to change the Social Security phone number online - Step by Step

How to modify your Social Security data

Index of contents

Why it is important to update Social Security data

Any change in the personal data of Social Security affiliates must be communicated to their headquarters, as they can always send you some information. official written notification and if they send it to an address where you no longer live, you won't know. The same happens with the mobile phone number, since if you have activated the option to receive SMS notifications, you will not receive them correctly because you have changed your number. Likewise, you will not be able to complete online procedures that require a confirmation SMS, such as requesting the report. Laboral life. If the Social Security number is incorrect or older than the current one, you will not have access to all these facilities. Therefore, below we show you how to change the phone number on Social Security.

How to change the telephone number in Social Security online

In the event that you have digital certificate, Electronic ID or user and password Cl@ve system, you can easily modify the phone number. To do this, access the Social Security electronic headquarters and click on the option Address change either Telephone and email communication, depending on the option that interests you.

How to change the phone number in Social Security

When modifying the telephone number you can check a box so that they also send you communications from the General Treasury of Social Security by SMS. You can also modify your address and telephone number from the portal Your Social Security and consult your data whenever you want.

How to change the telephone number in Social Security by request of writings

If you do not have any identification method such as the Digital Certificate or the Cl@ve system, you can choose the option Presentation of other Writings, Requests and Communications. Follow the steps below:

  1. Access the Social Security Electronic Headquarters.
  2. Complete the form with your personal information.
  3. Select the category Citizen/Worker.
  4. Indicates the procedure Communication and variation of contact data.
  5. Explain the reason for your writing, request or communication.
  6. Attach the DNI/NIE on both sides.
  7. Attach the Model TA-1 correctly completed and signed.

How to change the telephone number in Social Security by telephone

Finally, if you want to change the telephone number in Social Security you can choose to do it by phoneOf course, only in the provinces where this option is allowed, normally the smallest ones or those that have few offices of the General Treasury of Social Security.

How to change the phone number in Social Security

If you want to know if this telephone service is enabled in your province, you can request information and complete the procedure through the telephone number 901 50 20 50 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday to Friday.

First you will have to mark the first two numbers of the postal code of your province and then the number 3 general information; This way they will connect you with an agent directly. In this case, the data is not updated immediately, but you will have to request the number change form by postal mail, so that you complete it correctly and send it through one of the Post Office mailboxes. The envelope already has the address to which to send the document and the stamp.

How to change the phone number in Social Security

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