How to read digital newspapers for free

How to bypass any online newspaper paywall with Google Chrome to watch free premium content in digital format: quick and easy

Next we will explain how to read free digital newspapers bypassing any paywall or payment wall, a subscription type that is increasingly present in the main online newspapers that it offers exclusive content only for subscribers of the premium service of each medium. And there are increasingly more digital payment models to access certain articles, reports or opinion columns; and you may not want to pay for an entire month of a publication that you only want to read a certain article. So much so, that well-known media such as The country, ABC, The vanguard either The world They already have their own paywalls, premium options that grant access to certain content in their headers; and although it is advisable to pay a medium that we are regular users of every day, it is also possible to access content with paywall occasionally. Let's see how to read digital newspapers with free paywall.

How to avoid a paywall or online payment wall

Index of contents

What are payment paywalls?

The paywall or payment walls of online media allow users accustomed to certain titles to enjoy all their content, both free and exclusive, as part of the premium section of each newspaper, whether articles, opinion columns or even certain news. If you're regular reader from any of the following means, We recommend paying for the premium version from your favorite newspaper, such as:

Now, if what you want is just occasionally consult a premium article or opinion column of a topic in which you are interested, you can use one of the following tricks to try to access said content for free and without having to pay a fee. entire subscription for just a quick read. Let's see how to avoid a paywall or paywall in digital newspapers in the Google Chrome browser.

Tricks to bypass paywalls in Chrome

If you use Google Chrome as an internet browser, you can try the following tricks to avoid any paywall or paywalls for digital media websites.

Clear cookies

Many paywalls work through browser cookies; If you clear the cookies, the paywall may not work. Follow the steps below in Chrome:

  1. Click on the three dots icon located in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Now select the option More tools.
  3. At the top choose the time interval in which you want to clear the cookies.
  4. Select the boxes Cookies and other site data and Cached files and images.
  5. Finally, click on Delete data.

Go to the website

UPDATED: This method worked again in December 2023

Although it does not always work, you can try accessing the website to try to see a premium content preview for free; follow the following steps:

  1. Access the premium content you want to see and copy your url.
  2. Access the website
  3. Paste the URL of premium content in 12ft blank box.
  4. Click on Remove Paywall to access the content.

Install the Bypass Paywall extensionyes in chrome

You can also try install an extension in Chrome Designed to bypass paywalls on web pages. Follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Google and search the extension Bypass Paywall Chrome Extension.
  2. Click on the link Github.
  3. Now on Github click on the button Clone of Download.
  4. Then click Download ZIP to download the extension file.
  5. Once downloaded, unzip the ZIP file on your computer.
  6. Open a new tab in Chrome.
  7. Copy the following address into the Chrome search bar: chrome://extensions.
  8. Make sure that the option is activated in the new tab Developer mode in the upper right corner of the screen.
  9. Click on the option Package extension at the top left of the screen.
  10. Select the folder resulting from unzipping the ZIP file.
  11. This way you will load the new extension in Chrome to avoid paywall.
How to read digital newspapers for free

Video with instructions for using Bypass Paywalls:

How to read digital newspapers for free

Install the Clearly Reader extension in Chrome

  1. Access the website Clearly Reader and download the extension.
  2. Restart Google Chrome.
  3. Access the premium article you want to read.
  4. Click on the right mouse button and select the option Toogle Clearly.
How to read digital newspapers for free

Install the Incoggo desktop app

  1. Access the website Incogoo and download the application.
  2. Download the application (only available for computers Mac).
  3. Click on the application Incoggo in the application panel.
  4. Access the premium article you want to read just like in a normal browser.

Install the Anti-Paywall extension for Chrome

  1. Access the website Anti-Paywall and download the extension.
  2. Follow the steps described on their GitHub website to install Anti-Paywall and restart Google Chrome.
  3. Access the premium article you want to read.

These are the tricks you can try to try to access premium items with paywall or paywall without paying.

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