How to transfer photos from your Android smartphone to Mac

Follow our tutorial to transfer photos from your Android device to your Mac computer

Although the majority of computer users Mac They have a mobile terminal iPhone, mainly due to compatibility between devices Manzana and out of loyalty to the brand, a non-negligible percentage of users use a Android smartphone both for work and leisure activities; and the android terminals were a few steps ahead of those of the manzada before the arrival of the Iphone 6 and 6 Plus, both in power and screen size, which made many users decide to purchase an Android mobile instead of the terminals with a more contained screen diagonal of the previous 4-inch iPhones. This situation presents a series of doubts at the time of share information between a smartphone Android and a Mac, especially in the transfer of images and photographs from mobile phones to computer equipment; For this reason, we offer you a complete tutorial to learn how to transfer photos from a smartphone Android to a Mac.

MACOSX | Transfer data with ANDROID Mobile

How to transfer photos from Android to Mac

The first thing we must do is connect our Android smartphone to our Mac computer using a USB Cable; Below we will be shown several options on our mobile to choose the type of connection that interests us in this case, such as Transfer files (MTP) and Mass storage mode (MSC). In both cases we can transfer photos from your mobile or your SD card to your Mac, although if only one option appears we must go to one of the following solutions:

Android File Transfer

Thanks to Google we can use a tool known as Android File Transfer which allows us to drag the images we want to a Mac folder in a simple and direct way. Of course, after installing the application, we must go to System Preferences – Security & Privacy – Allow Apps Downloaded From – Anywhere in order to enable the possibility of transfer.

How to transfer photos from your Android smartphone to Mac

Transfer photos with Image Capture

OS X presents an application called Screenshot which allows us to transfer the photos that we have stored on the device connected to the Mac; To do this, go to Launchpad – Others – Image Capture. The connected device window will then appear with the different stored images, with a thumbnail on the left and its details on the right. Now we can drag the images that interest us to our Mac or import them through the option located at the bottom of the window.

How to transfer photos from your Android smartphone to Mac

Swipe photos with the Photos app

The application Photos It is one of the most used and practical to transfer photos from Android to Mac; And when we connect our smartphone to the device it will open automatically to show the content that we can transfer; If it does not open, we can also access the Photos application manually. Now we just have to Matter all content or only the selected one to a folder called default Import or drag selected images to a Mac folder.

How to transfer photos from your Android smartphone to Mac

Swipe photos with Preview

Another very useful and simple application is Preview, in which we can pass photos through File – Import from (SD card name). The method is the same as in the previous two cases, being able to select the photos that we want to transfer and dragging them to a folder that we have created.

Over Wi-Fi with AirMore

We move on to third-party applications with AirMore, an app that allows us to transfer images between Android and Mac wirelessly, without cables, through a same Wi-Fi network. To do this, we just have to access the official website by AirMore, scan the code that appears on the screen to link the Mac computer with the smartphone, both devices connected, as we say, to the same Wi-Fi network; once connected, the browser will show us all the stored information on our Android terminal by file types. Now we just need to select the images that we want to transfer to Mac and click on Discharge.

How to transfer photos from your Android smartphone to Mac

Swipe photos with doubleTwist

Another very useful application that allows us to transfer all the content from the Android smartphone to Mac using a iPhone-like interface; As in the previous cases, we just have to select the contents that we want to transfer and drag the images that we want to transfer to Mac.

How to transfer photos from your Android smartphone to Mac

Transfer photos with Google Photos

Another very useful option is to use Google Photos, the native Google application for Android that automatically uploads all our multimedia files to the cloud Google Drive, which will allow us to access the files from Mac directly through the internet browser. Of course, we must be clear about a couple of characteristics; the photos cannot exceed the 16 megapixels and the videos 4K they will go to a format Full HD automatically, all to save space in our Google cloud.

How to transfer photos from your Android smartphone to Mac

Use other cloud services

If we don't want to resort to Google's native options, we can always use other third-party cloud storage services such as Dropbox, OneDrive either Mega, to name some of the most popular, through which we can upload our images to our accounts and download them to Mac through the internet browser.

How to transfer photos from your Android smartphone to Mac

Through your email

If we only want to upload a few photos, two, three or even ten images (to say a certain number) and we do not want to complicate our lives with applications or cloud services, we can always use the simplest traditional method, which is another send an email to ourselves from your mobile phone with the images attached, open that same email from a Mac and download the images to your computer; easier impossible.

How to transfer photos from your Android smartphone to Mac

Download photos from SD card

Another option to not depend on native, third-party applications, cloud services or emails is remove the microSD card from our Android terminal (as long as we have the photos that we want to upload stored there), enter it in a SD card adapter and introduce the set into our Mac through a card reader or through a USB adapter. An icon for access to the microSD card will appear on the desktop of our Mac, we access the DCIM folder (where mobile photos are usually stored) and copy the images we want to the Mac computer.

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