Uncharted 2 Cheats for PS3, PS4

Discover all the secrets and tricks for Uncharted 2

Join Drake on this adventure and get the most out of  uncharted 2.

Check our tricks for other titles in the series, Uncharted 3, Uncharted 4.

Collectibles – Treasures and Relics

Uncharted 2: Kingdom of Thieves - Collectibles Guide (Treasures and Relic)


Easy money

If we have a game of Uncharted with the finished game we will receive 100,000 dollars from the store with the option to check games of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.

Multiplayer Unlockables

Multiplayer Appearances

  • Cameraman Jeff
    Achieve level 30. Costs $100,000
  • Donut Drake
    Achieve level 60. Costs $2,000,000
  • Genghis Khan Villain Skin
    Complete Crushing difficulty. It costs 1,500,000
  • Harry Flynn
    Achieve level 20. Costs $50,000
  • Heist Drake
    Achieve level 10. Costs $20,000
  • Heist Flynn
    Achieve level 20. Costs $50,000
  • Karl Schafer
    Achieve level 50. Costs $1,000,000
  • Lieutenant Draza
    Achieve level 50. Costs $1,000,000
  • Marco Polo Hero Skin
    Get the platinum trophy. It's free.
  • Skelzor
    Achieve level 60. Costs $2,000,000
  • Winter Chloe
    Achieve level 20. Costs $50,000
  • Winter Drake
    Achieve level 40. Costs $250,000
  • Winter Elena
    Achieve level 30. Costs $100,000
  • Winter Flynn
    Achieve level 30. Costs $100,000
  • Zoran Lazarevic
    Achieve level 40. Costs $250,000
  • Zorskel
    Achieve level 10. Costs $20,000

 Recriminations in Multiplayer Mode

  • Push-ups
    Achieve level 20. Costs $50,000
  • Hectic
    Achieve level 30. Costs $100,000
  • Kiss
    Achieve level 10. Costs $10,000
  • Pumping
    Achieve level 53. Costs $500,000
  • Assent
    Achieve level 40. Costs $250,000

 Multiplayer Boosters

  • Bandoleer (Booster Box 2).
    Achieve level 4. Costs $2,000.
  • Break Up (Booster Box 1).
    Achieve level 10. It costs $11,250.
  • Come Get Some (Booster Box 2).
    Achieve level 58. Costs $2,000,000.
  • Deposit (Booster Box 2).
    Achieve level 40. Costs $98,250.
  • Down the Irons (Booster Box 1).
    Achieve level 14. Costs $18,750.
  • Evasion (Booster Box 1).
    Achieve level 50. Costs $210,000.
  • Explosive Expert (Booster Slot 2)
    Achieve level 20. Costs $32,250.
  • Fleet Foot (Booster Box 2).
    Achieve level 16. Costs $23,250.
  • From the Hip (Booster Box 1).
    Achieve level 6. Costs $5,000.
  • Glass Jaw ((Booster Box 1).
    Achieve level 57. Costs $1,500,000.
  • Half Loaded (Booster Box 2).
    Achieve level 54. Costs $400,000.
  • Hell Blazer (Booster Box 1).
    Achieve level 18. Costs $27,750.
  • Invalid (Booster Box 1).
    Achieve level 52. Costs $350,000.
  • Juggler (Booster Box 1).
    Achieve level 38. Costs $94,500.
  • Keep Firing (Booster Box 2).
    Achieve level 12. Costs $14,250.
  • Launch Man (Booster Box 2).
    Achieve level 28. Costs $58,500.
  • Monkey Man (Booster Box 2).
    Achieve level 32. Costs $72,000.
  • Point and Shoot (Booster Box 1).
    Achieve level 2. Costs $2,000.
  • Rapid Hands (Booster Box 1).
    Achieve level 42. Costs $111,000.
  • Revenge (Booster Box 1).
    Achieve level 48. Costs $134,250.
  • Rocket Man (Booster Box 1).
    Achieve level 44. Costs $120,000.
  • Scavenger (Booster Box 2).
    Achieve level 8. Costs $8,250.
  • Scoped In (Booster Box 2).
    Achieve level 36. Costs $87,000.
  • Situational Awareness (Booster Box 1).
    Achieve level 46. Costs $129,000.
  • Sure Foot (Booster Box 2).
    Achieve level 26. Costs $52,500.
  • Sure Shot (Booster Slot 1).
    Achieve level 30. Costs $64,500.
  • Treasure Bearer (Booster Box 2).
    Achieve level 24. Costs $43,500.
  • Turtle (Booster Box 1).
    Achieve level 22. Costs $40,500.
  • Veiled (Booster Slot 1).
    Achieve level 51. Costs $300,000.
  • Walk Softly (Booster Box 1).
    Achieve level 34. Costs $79,500.


First Treasure
Simple. Just find a treasure.

Beginner Gold Digger
Find 10 treasures.

Rookie Gold Digger
Find 20 treasures.

Cadet Gold Digger
Find 30 treasures.

Intermediate Gold Digger
Find 40 treasures.

Practical Gold Digger
Find 50 treasures.

Proficient Gold Digger
Find 60 treasures.

Professional Gold Digger
Find 70 treasures.

Expert Gold Digger
Find 80 treasures.

Crack Gold Digger
Find 90 treasures.

relic finder
Find the Strange Relic.

20 Headshots
20 headshots with any weapon.
If it is difficult for you at moderate difficulty levels, select the very easy level and aim well for the head.

100 Headshots
Take 100 headshots with any weapon.
If it is difficult for you at moderate difficulty levels, select the very easy level and aim well for the head.

Headshot expert
Take 5 headshots in a row.
If it is difficult for you at moderate difficulty levels, select the very easy level and aim well for the head.

Run 'n' gunner
Kill 20 enemies with blind shots.
You will have to take care of the enemies by shooting from the hip, without aiming with L1.

Kill 20 enemies by aiming from a ledge.
Quite easy. While hanging from a ledge, kill enemies with handguns.

50 kills-92FS 9mm
Attack 50 kills with the 92FS 9mm.
It is a pistol similar to the Desert 5, but it is smaller and does less damage.

50 kills-Micro 9mm
Accomplish 50 kills with the Micro 9mm machine gun.
It's a small machine gun.

30 Deaths-Wes 44
Accomplish 50 kills with the Wes 44 magnum.
It's like a revolver.

30 Deaths-Desert 5
Accomplish 30 kills with the Desert 5

20 kills-Pistol
Accomplish 20 kills with the pistol.

70 deaths-FAL
Accomplish 70 kills with the FAL machine gun.

70 deaths-M4
Accomplish 70 kills with the M4 machine gun.

50 deaths-Dragunov
Take 50 kills with the Dragunov sniper rifle.

50 deaths-Moss 12
Take 50 kills with the Moss 12 shotgun.

50 deaths- SAS – 12
Take 50 kills with the SAS shotgun – 12.

50 deaths-M32
Take 50 kills with the M32 grenade launcher.

30 kills – RPG-7
Take 30 kills with the RPG-7 rocket launcher

200 deaths-GAU-19
Accomplish 200 kills with the GAU-19 gatling gun.

30 deaths-MK-NDI
Accomplish 30 kills with MK-NDI grenades.

Triple Dyno-Mita
Kill 3 enemies with a single explosion.
You can use different methods. With the grenade launcher, with grenades, rocket launchers or explosive drums. Take advantage when they are distracted and in groups.

Executioner with grenades
This is the same as the other trophy called "Executioner", only with grenades.
Quite easy. While hanging from a ledge, kill enemies with grenades.

Bare-knuckle Brawler
Kill 20 enemies with one hit.
Simple right? If it costs you more than normal, you know, select the very easy level.

Steel Fist Master
Weaken an enemy with bullets, then kill them with one hit.
At the very easy difficulty level. Shoot the enemy in the chest, single shot. And then approach him and hit him.

Complete a competitive multiplayer match.

Friendly System
Complete a cooperative multiplayer game.


Master Gold Digger
Find all the treasures in the game.

Kill 75 enemies without dying.

250 headshots
Take 250 headshots with any weapon.

Bare-knuckle Slugger
Kill 50 enemies with blows.

Bare-knuckle Expert
Kill 10 enemies in a row with hits.
Simple right? If it costs you more than normal, you know, select the very easy level.

Ninja Master
Kill 50 enemies using stealth.
During the adventure you will surely unlock it. Eliminate enemies from behind without being discovered.

Master in iron fist
Kill 10 enemies in a row with one hit after weakening them with gunshots.
The ideal is to select chapter 4, when you are in the enemy cabin and Sully protects you with a sniper rifle. As in the bronze trophy, and on very easy difficulty, follow the same routine until you unlock the trophy.

Explored! Easy
Complete the game on easy mode.


Explored! Normal
Complete the game in normal mode.

Explored! Difficult
Complete the game on hard mode.

Explored! Devastating
Complete the game in Crush mode.
You will unlock it by beating the game on difficult.


Complete guide for Uncharted 2 by clicking here.