How to change the ringtone on iPhone

Discover how to change the ringtone of your iOS mobile phone in general or according to contact with mobile melodies or the ones you want

Let's see how to change the ringtone of your iPhone so you can customize the sounds of incoming calls in general or according to the contact, either with predefined tones or the melodies you want. And thanks to the call tone customization options you can differentiate your iPhone from the rest of terminals; Customizing the ringtone is not particularly easy, but it is not an overly complicated process either. Therefore, below we offer you all the options at your disposal so that you can change the ringtone of your iPhone easily and with maximum comfort.

How to change the RINGTONE on iPhone ✅

iPhone: how to customize the ringtone

Index of contents

How to change the ringtone on iPhone in a general way

Before moving on to personalize the ringtone with your favorite melody or song, let's see how to change the ringtone generally in iPhone; follow the following steps:

  1. Accede to Settings.
  2. Now click on the section Sounds and vibrations.
  3. Choose the ringtone you consider, whether it is a default one or a custom one; Ringtones you purchased from the Apple store will also appear.

How to change the ringtone on iPhone

How to change a contact's ringtone on iPhone

On the other hand, you can also choose a ringtone for a specific contact, so that only that tone sounds with the contact in your calendar that you choose; follow the following steps:

  1. Accede to Contacts on your iPhone.
  2. Find the contact whose ringtone you want to customize.
  3. Click on Edit your contact sheet.
  4. Access the ringtone section.
  5. By default the general tone of the iPhone will appear; Choose the tone you consider.

Now that you know how to change the ringtone on your iPhone to a default one or a custom one, let's see how to set the ringtone you want on your iPhone.

How to change the ringtone on iPhone to whatever you want

If you want to customize the ringtone on your iPhone you will have to access Apple Music in its version for macOS or Windows. You can always choose a song from your library and import it, but you can also add any compatible sound file. Remember that the ringtone on the iPhone must have a maximum duration of 30 seconds.

How to change the ringtone on iPhone

Once you have the sound file, right click on it and click on Get information, to later access the tab Options. Now you can select both the start and end of the ringtone; press okay to end.

Now select the song and in Apple Music go to File – Convert – Create AAC version to create the 30 second long ringtone. Then right-click on the AAC file to view it in Finder and change the extension of .m4a to .m4r to modify the file. If you want, take the opportunity to rename the file so as not to confuse it with the original.

With the tone already prepared, from Finder exports the file to your iPhone following the following steps:

  1. Connect your iPhone to the computer with the cable.
  2. In Finder look for the iPhone in the section Locations.
  3. Select the tab General.
  4. Open a tab and find the tone you created; drag it to the tab open with the iPhone and drop it on the tab General.

This will complete the process of creating a personalized ringtone and its subsequent export to the iPhone to be able to set it as a ringtone, either general or for a specific contact, as we have described in the previous section. Now you can create all the ringtones you want and use them for your incoming calls on your iPhone.

How to change the ringtone on iPhone

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