AliExpress VAT: how to avoid it

The definitive trick to save VAT on your orders on AliExpress: easy and effective

Let's see how to avoid VAT on your AliExpress orders, The popular digital store china that offers endless products with the cheaper prices. And since summer 2021, buying on AliExpress is no longer as cheap as before, basically due to the so-called application Import One Stop Shop (IOSS), a new measure at the European level that establishes that all goods imported into the European Union (EU) must pay VAT or equivalent tax of each member state, without taking into account its final price. It is for this reason that the shipments from AliExpress have increased its price significantly in recent months, a measure that will remain in force from now on. But,we can avoid paying VAT on AliExpress like before? Let's see the trick that will allow you to enjoy the old AliExpress prices.


How to save VAT on AliExpress

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Background on VAT on AliExpress

Until summer 2021, a small legal loophole allowed purchases from China with a value below 22 euros to be exempt from paying VAT. That is why it was very cheap to buy depending on which products on AliExpress and similar websites. However, and after the application of this new legal measure, all purchases must be declared including their corresponding VAT.

And with this new measure we want to put an end to tax evasion, also encouraging European buyers to purchase products within the European Union itself, thus avoiding a overload at customs and control level on all products that arrive from China. And although more and more AliExpress products come from the European Union itself, many others continue to arrive from China; Due to this new measure, AliExpress now shows the final shipping prices including VAT and that they are noticeably higher than before.

AliExpress VAT: how to avoid it

What Correos does with AliExpress VAT

However, there are times when the VAT on an AliExpress order is not declared. In those cases, at the time the package enters Spain, Correos charges the tax for receiving the product from China despite the fact that said amount was already paid at the time of making the online purchase. In these cases is when double VAT plus management costs are paid, which are usually about 5 euros. These costs can be avoided if we do the management ourselves through the Correos website or app, although VAT is still mandatory. But,We can save this VAT on AliExpress shipments? Read on to find out how.

How to save VAT on your orders on AliExpress

In reality, there is no one hundred percent reliable method that allows us to save VAT on AliExpress shipments, although we can try to avoid it through certain types of shipments. And it is that the cheaper shipping from AliExpress like Super Saving, SHUNYOU either China Post, usually have logistical problems when transmitting information about the VAT declaration to Correos. Other services such as AliExpress Shipping or DHL do share this information regarding VAT without problems. Therefore, if we want to try to avoid VAT on AliExpress shipments, we must choose AliExpress Shipping, SHUNYOU or China Post for our AliExpress shipments. It is not a totally foolproof trick but yes effective on many occasions.

AliExpress VAT: how to avoid it

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