How to cancel Amazon Prime

Learn how to cancel your Amazon Prime subscription before the next installment

Let's see how to unsubscribe from Amazon Prime, Amazon's premium payment service for online purchases and other services such as Prime Video. And online shopping is increasingly popular, with millions of people around the world making purchases over the internet every day. And Amazon and its platform have a lot to say in this. online shopping, which more and more users trust for their online purchases. And it is not surprising that more and more subscribers to Amazon Prime, Amazon's premium service with free shipping, offers access to Prime Video or Prime Music and much more. But,How can we unsubscribe from Amazon Prime? What steps must be followed? Below we discover everything about how to unsubscribe from the Amazon Prime service Step by Step.

How to cancel your Amazon Prime subscription

How to unsubscribe from Amazon Prime

Index of contents

Advantages of Amazon Prime

Before continuing with the process of unsubscribing from Amazon Prime, it is worth considering whether it is worth unsubscribing from Amazon Prime and losing all its advantages for a cost of 36 euros a year either 3.99 euros per month. If you still want to unsubscribe from the Amazon Prime service, you will lose all these advantages:

  • Shipping within 24 hours on millions of products.
  • Shipping in 2 or 3 days on many other products.
  • Free 2-hour delivery in select cities.
  • Access Flash Offers before anyone else.
  • Access to a wide catalog of Amazon Prime Video series and movies.
  • Access to the Prime Music service.
  • Access to the Prime Reading service.
  • Space available to store photos with Amazon Photos.
  • Access to many products in pre-sale or on the same day of their launch.
  • Enjoy certain advantages on
  • Discounts at Amazon Pantry.

How to cancel Amazon Prime

If you want to unsubscribe from Amazon Prime, you must first be clear what subscription plan It's the one you have hired. There are two types of subscription to Amazon Prime, one annual for 36 euros a year and another monthly for 3.99 euros per month. If you have an annual plan, payment is made every twelve months, so you will not be able to cancel it until it is renewed; If you do it before the month that ends the year, you will lose the benefits of a full year already paid. If you have a monthly plan you can unsubscribe whenever you want without having to wait for a specific date. Follow the steps below to unsubscribe from Amazon Prime, whether you are a regular subscriber or in a free trial period:

  1. Open the browser and go to the official website Amazon configuration.
  2. To access your account enter your access data (email and password).
  3. Check the Date of renovation on the left side of the screen.

Now you will be able to see at the top of the screen the details of your Amazon Prime subscription:

  • That type of plan You have signed up for Amazon Prime (annual or monthly).
  • The Date of renovation or payment.
  • Manage (to update or cancel your subscription).

How to cancel Amazon Prime

With your subscription details on the screen, it's time to process the cancellation of the Amazon Prime service:

  • If you are enjoying a free trial period and would like to unsubscribe, click Do not update and then click on Disable automatic update.
  • If you are subscribed through an annual or monthly plan, click on End my subscription and benefits in section Manage Subscription.

Once these steps are completed, if by canceling you have not enjoyed the benefits of Amazon Prime since you paid for your current subscription, you will receive a refund of the subscription fee and an email with refund details. If you have canceled a free trial, your subscription will be automatically cancelled. Finally, if you want to recover your subscription later, click on the option Update automatically to continue with your subscription after the 30-day trial.

When selecting End my subscription and benefits, Amazon will try to convince us to continue subscribing and will offer us the monthly plan of 3.99 euros per month instead of the annual one. Choose if you want this new plan or cancel permanently subscription to Amazon Prime. Once the cancellation has been made, it usually takes two business days to become effective.

How to cancel Amazon Prime

How to turn off Amazon Prime auto-renewal

You also have the option of turn off auto-renewal of the Amazon Prime subscription, configured by default to activate when the free trial period ends. Follow the steps below:

  1. Open the browser and go to the official website Amazon configuration.
  2. To access your account enter your access data (email and password).
  3. If you are still in the free trial period, click on Finish my advantages and then in Terminate my subscription; finally click on Cancel and give up my benefits.
  4. On the other hand, if the free trial period has already ended you will have to click on Finish my advantages; To confirm the cancellation of the subscription click now on Terminate my subscription. On the next screen select Terminate and give up my benefits from your next renewal date.

How to cancel Amazon Prime

Of course, from the moment you deactivate automatic renewal, you can continue enjoying the benefits from Amazon Prime until the end of the original renewal date. You can also choose receive an email as a reminder three days before the renewal date so you can deactivate it through Manage my Amazon Prime subscription selecting the option Remember later.

How to cancel Amazon Prime

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