How to go from decimal to hexadecimal

The best tricks and methods to convert figures from the decimal system to hexadecimal

Let's see how to go from decimal to hexadecimal, thus converting figures between both systems. And while by default we always work under the decimal system, in certain environments such as the world of computing, we work mainly with the hexadecimal format, where the figures become base 16, something that forces us to do conversions between both systems. Therefore, below we show you the best methods to go from decimal to hexadecimal.

How to Convert a Decimal number to Hexadecimal?

How to convert from decimal to hexadecimal

Index of contents

How to go from decimal to binary

Although there are several methods to convert a number from decimal to hexadecimal, one of the simplest is to convert the number from decimal to binary. Once the binary is obtained, it will be time to convert it, now, to hexadecimal. For this it will be necessary to carry out groups of 4 numbers starting from the right; If when you reach the end you do not obtain a group of 4 numbers, it must be filled in with leading zeros until you complete the missing digits. Finally, it will only be necessary find the equivalence of groups of 4 numbers in binary with their symbol in hexadecimal.

For example, to convert to hexadecimal the number 73 the first step will be convert to binary, so like that.

  • 7310=10010012

Now it will be necessary to make the groups of four numbers starting from the right, in this case, filling in with a zero on left to get four digits:

  • 0100 1001

Finally, we must look for the correspondence of the binary groups with their equivalent in hexadecimal:

  • 01002=416
  • 10012=916

And thus we obtain that the number 73 in decimal equivalent to 49 in hexadecimal.

How to go from decimal to hexadecimal

How to convert to hexadecimal in Excel

Another very common method to convert from decimal to hexadecimal is through the program Excel of Microsoft, in which it will be necessary to enter a calculation formula concrete to make equivalences quickly and easily. The formula is the following:

  • =DEC.A.HEX()

Between the parentheses of the formula itself it will be necessary to enter the decimal number that you want to convert to hexadecimal and press Enter to see the result in Excel. For example, if you want to convert the decimal to hexadecimal 2561, you will have to write the formula as follows:

  • =DEC.A.HEX(2561)

and press Enter to see the result in the corresponding Excel cell.

How to convert to hexadecimal online

Although if you don't want to complicate your life and prefer to obtain the result quickly and comfortably, you can look for a online decimal to hexadecimal converter through Google. There are several and they are free, although we recommend the following Web page with a converter dedicated to converting figures from the decimal system to hexadecimal.

How to go from decimal to hexadecimal

Decimal to hexadecimal equivalence tables

Finally, we offer you some equivalence tables between decimal and hexadecimal figures to be consulted quickly and obtain the results without depending on formulas or online tools. These are basic figures, although they can always be helpful.

0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 TO
11 b
12 c
13 d
14 AND
15 F
16 10
17 11
18 12
19 13
20 14
30 1E
40 28
50 32
60 3C
70 46
80 50
90 5A
100 64
200 C8
1000 3E8


How to go from decimal to hexadecimal

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