WhatsApp: how to send messages without adding contacts to the phonebook

Learn to send messages to someone you don't have in your contacts with WhatsApp

Thanks to this tutorial you will learn to send messages WhatsApp to users who are not in your contact list in your agenda iOS smartphone either Android. In reality, there are two methods, one a little more complicated than the other, but equally effective. And on many occasions we can find ourselves in the situation of having to send a message to someone via WhatsApp without having your number added to our phonebook of contacts; However, there are two methods through which we can send messages without being forced to add the phone number to our phonebook. Next, how to send messages on WhatsApp without adding contacts to the phone book.

How to send a WhatsApp message without adding contact?

How to send WhatsApp messages without adding contacts with API

The first and perhaps somewhat more complicated option allows us to send WhatsApp messages to users that we do not have added to our agenda through a API address. It is a method totally legal, free of possible bans and without depending on third-party applications, both for iOS mobiles as Android.

The first thing we must do is write the following address in our phone's browser:

  • https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=XXXXXXXXXXX

Where should we replace the XXXXXXXXXXXX for him real phone number of the contact to whom we want to send the message with their country prefix in front without the + symbol. For example, if it is a number from Spain and the telephone number was 999999999, the link would be as follows:

  • https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=34999999999

Once we have copied the link into our mobile browser, we will automatically receive a message requesting authorization to send a WhatsApp message to the requested number; Once we accept the message, it will take us directly to the whatsapp application.

WhatsApp: how to send messages without adding contacts to the phonebook

Once in the WhatsApp application, a chat will have started with said user without having to add their number to our mobile phonebook. Now we just have to write and send messages with that user as if we did it with any contact in our agenda.

WhatsApp: how to send messages without adding contacts to the phonebook

How to send WhatsApp messages without adding contacts with wa.me

As we said, this second option is less convoluted and easier to remember, although the process is still very similar. So, again we must write an address in the browser from our mobile phone, although this time it is a much shorter and simpler address:

  • wa.me/XXXXXXXXXX

Where should we replace the XXXXXXXXXXXX by the real phone number of the contact to whom we want to send the message with their country prefix in front without the + symbol. For example, if it is a number from Spain and the telephone number was 999999999, the link would be as follows:

  • wa.me/34XXXXXXXXX

Once this is done, a website of WhatsApp which will ask us if we want to send a message to the number previously written. Click on the green button Message which will appear below the number.

WhatsApp: how to send messages without adding contacts to the phonebook

Automatically, the official WhatsApp application will open with a chat window with said user even if it is not in the contact book of our mobile. The other user will receive a common message with our mobile number on the screen or, if we were added to your phonebook, with our name.

WhatsApp: how to send messages without adding contacts to the phonebook

This method is also valid in PC and Mac, with which we can write the same address in the browser of our computer; Yes, we must have installed the whatsapp application of Windows or Mac so that it opens automatically once we click on the green button Chat.

If we do not have the WhatsApp application installed on our PC or Mac, the browser will automatically redirect us to the official download page of WhatsApp for both devices iOS mobiles, Android and Windows Phone as for Windows and Mac. Choose your operating system, download the application, install it and you can now use the browser trick to write messages to users who are not in your contact book.

WhatsApp: how to send messages without adding contacts to the phonebook

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