Darksiders Cheats for PS3, PS4, PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U

Discover all the secrets, upgrades and collectibles of Darksiders

Accompany Guerra and help him recover his powers in Darksiders.

Free Scythe

Pause the game and select enter code in the options below, entering The Hollow Lord We will get the Scythe to buy for free in Vulgrim's store.

The Cores of Anger

Darksiders - Wrath Parts Location


The Stones of Life

Darksiders: All Life Shard Locations

The 27 Artifacts

We leave you a video to find all the artifacts.

Darksiders - Location of the 27 artifacts


Abyssal Armor and Legendary Upgrades

We leave you a video to find the Abyssal armor and the 4 legendary upgradesblessing of death, glory of war, offering of dispute, embrace of fury.



The ultimate sword – Forge the Sword of Armageddon.

An old friend – Get Mercy.

Together again – Get Ruin.

time lord – Gain the Chronomancer skill.

Dust we are – Defeat Stygian.

Go and touch someone – Get the Abyssal Chain.

a bad mother – Defeat Silitha.

into the void – Get the Void Traveler.

Revenge is served cold – Defeat Straga.

See beyond sight – Get the Mask of Shadows.

anger machine – Get all the powers of anger.

The final contender? – Defeat the Destroyer.

Does it seem easy to you? – Finish the game on EASY difficulty.

Outdoor parking – Destroy a helicopter during the Apocalypse.

Balance recovered – FINISH the game on NORMAL difficulty.

chasm jumper – Gain the Shadow Flight skill.

I have broken your face – Defeat the Mourner.

Carrier of the earthquake – Get the Seismic Gauntlet.

Who keeps score? – Defeat more angels than Ulthane.

a hard bone – Meet Ulthane.

Do not bother me – Gain the Chaos Form skill.

Like a hellish bat – Defeat Tiamat.

Elemental Thief – Get the Cross Blade.

death personified – Get the scythe.

Prison Break – Free Samael from prison.

Move mountains – Get the Earth Caller.

death marcher – Meet Vulgrim.

The real rider – FINISH the game on APOCALYPTIC difficulty.

Devastating – Kill 10 enemies with a Sword Geyser rage attack.

aerial predator – Kill 160 enemies riding the angelic beast.

At full power – Get the maximum amount of life stones.

Wrath of War – Get the maximum amount of rage cores.

legendary form – Get all the Abyssal Armor.

Battle hardened – Fully upgrade all weapons and unlock all combat moves.

High flights – Kill 5 twilight bats without touching the ground.

improvised deaths – Kill 150 enemies with environmental objects.

aerial predator – Kill 160 enemies riding the angelic beast.

Secret: Treasure Hunter – Search 150 chests.

Secret: River of Blood : Spills 3000 liters of demonic blood.

Secret: Matador – Kill 666 demons.

Secret: Brutal Achievement – Unlock EVERYTHING!

Secret: Dark Rider – Ride 100 kilometers.

Secret: World Raider – Get all 27 artifacts.

Secret: Rider – Kill 150 demons on horseback.

Secret: Does it seem easy to you? – Finish the game on EASY difficulty.

Secret: The final contender? – Defeat the Destroyer.

Secret: See beyond sight – Get the Mask of Shadows.

Secret: Revenge is served cold – Defeat Straga.

Secret: Into the void – Get the Void Traveler.

Secret: Anger Machine – Get all the powers of anger.

Secret: River of Blood – Spills 3000 liters of demonic blood.

Secret: Time Lord – Gain the Chronomancer skill.

Secret: Carrier of the earthquake – Get the Seismic Gauntlet.

Secret: Who's Keeping Score? – Defeat more angels than Ulthane.

Secret: Like a hellish bat – Defeat Tiamat.

Secret: Elemental Thief – Get the Cross Blade.

Secret: Prison Break – Free Samael from prison.

Secret: Moving mountains  – Get the Earth Caller.


Complete guide for Darksiders by clicking here.