WhatsApp trick: How to share your location in real time on iOS and Android

We show you how to activate Real-time Location in the popular messaging service

WhatsApp, one of the Courier services most popular today -with the permission of Telegram, has a new feature that many users are unaware of but that is very useful in our daily lives. Is about "Real time location" either "Live Location", a feature that allows us share our location in real time, both on iOS and Android devices.

Thus, it is a totally safe utility thanks to its end to end encryption -like any other message WhatsApp– which will allow us to communicate to our contacts - whether a single user or a group– our location at the moment during the time we consider convenient. Below we tell you how to activate “Real-time location”.

Share your location in real time on WhatsApp

Share your location in real time

If you want to activate the “Real-time Location” function of WhatsApp on iOS and Android, you just have to open or enter a chat with one of your contacts and go to Attach – Location. In this menu we will find the Real-time Location option, which we must activate.

Once activated, and only after the first time, an informative message will appear about its functions and the description of the service. Next, We can choose the time it will remain activated - 15 minutes, 1 hour or 8 hours - and decide whether to attach a comment or not.. Once shared, our contact will be able to see our location during the established time or until we decide to turn off said function.

This is how WhatsApp real-time location works

Stop sharing your location in real time

If we want to cancel the “Real-time location” function before the set time expires, we can go to the “Stop sharing” so that our contact or contacts stop seeing our location in real time, either through the message itself or from the map displayed on the screen.

See your location in real time

With the map of our location in real time extended on the screen we can perform all kinds of actions, such as zoom in or out of the map, switch between map, satellite or relief views and show traffic. We can move freely on said screen and see our location and the nearest points of interest.