What is Facebook called now?

Do you know what Facebook will be called now? The popular social network has radically changed its name to become known as Meta

Let's see what's it called Facebook now, the popular social network that has hosted the daily experiences of its millions of users since its birth in 2004 and that over the years has become one of the most popular applications in the world along with others such as instagram either Twitter. But starting November 3, 2021, Facebook is getting a new name as part of a revamp of the entire Facebook app group. Mark Zuckerberg, becoming known as Goal. What is the reason for this name change? Does it affect the rest of the apps owned by Facebook? Let's see below what's it called Facebook hereinafter.

The Facebook Metaverse: How can you be part of it?

Why Facebook is now called Meta

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What is Facebook called now?

Facebook is known as Meta Starting in November 2021, a nomenclature change that responds to a new strategy by Mark Zuckerberg, owner of the Facebook application conglomerate. Thus, despite the social network Facebook is still called Facebook, the company behind this application and the rest of Facebook apps like instagram either WhatsApp, now called Goal. All this as part of the new Metaverse that Zuckerberg intends to build.

What is Facebook called now?

The name change can be seen when updating the apps from the Facebook application conglomerate, both in iOS and Android mobiles, through the App Store and Google Play, respectively. Thus, users of the Facebook app will be able to see that it is now called Facebook from Meta. The same thing happens with the rest of the apps, known as Instagram from Meta, WhatsApp from Meta, Messenger from Meta and Oculus from Meta.

What is Meta, the new Facebook Metaverse

Meta intends to be the future Metaverse of Facebook applications, through which its users will be able to move freely through their virtual and personalized avatars. In addition, all its users will be able to navigate Meta through their usual apps, such as WhatsApp, For example.

What is Facebook called now?

The Meta conglomerate will also group other companies such as instagram, Messenger, Oculus and other brands that are part of Mark Zuckerberg's conglomerate.

Now you know what is facebook called now along with the rest of the applications that are part of the congomerate Goal.

What is Facebook called now?

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